Sunday, October 26, 2008

Surgery on Thursday

The doctor looked at her abdomen and legs and said that they look okay. Some of the grafts are taking well, and others are not. He would like to wait a few days for the surgery so that the grafts and the skin beneath them have time to do as much healing as possible. They will now change her wound dressings every day. It is quite the process. The nurses do an excellent job. I'm really impressed with the care they take. I got to see her legs unwrapped. She definitely has a long way to go, and will have significant scarring and some deformation on them. As I have mentioned, on Thursday they will take the cadaver skin off and put her own on (taken from her flanks and back).

I thought I would include a picture of her from her little excursion to see the light of day yesterday. She really seemed to enjoy it. (That is her nurse, Christi, in the picture. She has been great to Heather.)

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