Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Shower Surprise

The doctors feel that Heather's hepatitis is resolving, and that it likely was a major source of her diarrhea a few days ago. She seems to be doing much better in that realm. They took her for a "shower" yesterday. Apparently they have a shower where she can be on a bed while they do it. The surprise was that they didn't tell her they were going to take out all the staples that hold the grafts on her legs at the same time as the shower. She had many, many staples holding the cadaver grafts on. She said (mouthed to her sister, Heidi, in that she can't talk yet) that having them removed was quite painful for her. Other than that she had a pretty good day. I can't wait to see her tonight, and it was hard to say goodbye to Hannah this morning.

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