Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Okay Night

Heather had an okay night last night. Not great, but okay. Apparently they had to change her catheter during the night. That can't be enjoyable for anyone. Since I last wrote, she has been off the ventilator twice for an hour each time. She reportedly did well while off of it, despite some fatigue afterwards. So, she is building up her lung strength, which is really good.

They have found evidence of Hepatitis A in her blood. They said that having had the vaccination for Hepatitis would cause that to show up in her blood, so we need to check to find out if she has had that vaccination. Otherwise, she has one more thing to deal with. Hepatitis A is not the most serious kind, but it is still a concern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark, Heather, and Hannah:
Our hearts ache for the pain you have all been through and still have to go. But our prayers are also with you and we really wish you the best. All three of you have already shown so much strength and we will continue to pray for you. God bless, Burke and Elizabeth Tervort