Friday, October 17, 2008

Still Waiting for Extubation, but Probably This Afternoon

The doctors were hoping they could take Heather's ventilation tube out this morning, but she wasn't quite ready. She is very, very close to being strong enough, but the doctors want to wait until at least this afternoon. It is clearly easier for her to breathe.

Heather seems more lucid all the time, but still a little loopy. It is nice to see her sense of humor come back. She expresses quite a bit through body language and facial expressions. The speller machine I mentioned yesterday has been useful, though laborious.

She has been working with a physical therapist to build up her strength. She still can't raise her hands or arms much at all. This may have something to do with her wrists being tied to the bed :). As you can imagine, she is very weak after having been in bed for three weeks. So, it will likely take her a while to build her strength back up.

They are still planning to begin doing the skin grafts on her legs Monday or Tuesday. When they do that, they will move her from the surgical ICU to the burn unit ICU. I'm impressed with her progress.


Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear more good news each day! Thank you for sharing. We pray that Heather will continue to heal(quickly)and that her body will be able to function normally. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and our love goes to each of you. (good news on the home front we heard that someone "unstole" your jeep). Keep hanging in there.
Love, The Jarretts

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the updates. We love to hear about every little improvement! Hopefully, today will be the day to get the tube removed. I think she will make big improvements once that is out and she can communicate and get untied! I have my fingers crossed. YOu all are in our thoughts and prayers daily.
Onward and upward,
Lisa Hales

Anonymous said...

It is great news that Heather is doing better. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you all the past couple of weeks. I hope they can get the tube out and she can continue to improve.

Vaud, Donna & Laurie Hanks