Saturday, October 18, 2008

Not Much New To Report

Heather is getting stronger by the day. Yesterday, with the help of the physical therapists, she sat up on the edge of her bed. Despite being very dizzy and wobbly, she was able to hold herself up for a bit. She has also been doing a lot of leg, foot, arm, and hand exercises throughout the day to build up her strength. Her breathing seems much stronger, but I'm not going to make any more predictions about when the tube will come out (clearly, I'm always wrong).

They are taking her for a CT scan this morning because the food they send through a tube that goes in her nose, through her stomach, and down into her intestine continues to come back up through the NG tube that goes in through her nose and down into her stomach. She also had some abdominal pain this morning [Imagine that! It just seems so strange that someone with three intestine joints, a recent uterus removal, and a 12+ inch long incision through the fascia of her abdominal wall would have pain down there. :) ]. They want to make sure she isn't bleeding or leaking somewhere. They had to give her two units of blood yesterday because her hematocrit dropped low. They say that there are numerous reasons that it may have dropped, but they want to rule out any internal bleeding.

Heather got a bit of spa treatment today. Her nurse was kind enough to wash, condition, and dry her hair. She also shaved Heather's legs and plucked her eyebrows. Heather's sister, Heidi, combed out her hair and braided it into a pony tail. I know Heather really appreciated being spruced up a bit. As always, Heather is wearing the latest and best fashion in hospital wear. With the high fashion label, "Central Laundry" prominently displayed on her gown.

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