Friday, October 31, 2008

More Rest and Recovery

Nothing is scheduled to happen today. Heather had a good night's sleep, and her pain was minimal. She will likely spend the day resting, with the exception of some physical therapy and some time off the ventilator. Once her lungs are strong enough to be off the ventilator, they can pull out the cannula (the tube that connects to the ventilator and goes down into her throat) and put a plug in her tracheostomy. This will allow her to talk.

This morning her hematocrit was down to 17 (most of us have hematocrits in the 40s), so they are giving her two units of blood. Because she is so low, she is feeling quite weak and tired. This is likely due largely to loss of blood from her surgery yesterday, but it seems that she is lower than would be expected. They will watch her hematocrit for a while to make sure it doesn't continue to drop.

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