Saturday, October 18, 2008

CT Results and More Units of Blood

The results of the CT scan did not show any problems with the bowel or internal bleeding. She did have fluid in her abdomen, but it was not as thick as blood. The doctors think it is still fluid left from when she was so bloated. They can't find any other blood loss, but her hematocrit continues to drop. It was 19 when they gave her the two units of blood I wrote about yesterday. The transfusion bumped her up to 24 or 27 (I can't remember which), but this morning she was back down to 22. So, they gave her two more units of blood today. Since they can find any place where she is bleeding, they think it is probably a condition called anemia of chronic illness. Apparently this happens in people who have been through significant trauma or illness. Basically the bone marrow becomes so taxed that it stops producing red blood cells, which leads to anemia such as she has been experiencing. They said that the treatment is to support her with transfusions until the bone marrow kicks in again.

The physical therapists came in and helped Heather to stand up! That is the first time she has done so since October 5th! Of course she was extremely weak and needed help to get up and down, but it is movement in the right direction. They really want to get her moving so that she can build up her strength. She seems very motivated and, despite being tired, frequently asks to do more exercises.

I knew she must be getting back to being herself today when she asked to spell out the following sentence on the speller machine, "I am supposed to teach." She meant that she is supposed to teach relief society in church next week and was worried that she hadn't gotten anyone to cover for her. I just laughed, but she insisted that I call the relief society president, Marion Davis, to make sure it was taken care of. Marion thought it was funny too. Maybe someday Heather will get the ventilation tube out so that she can more easily communicate her needs.

1 comment:

AJ Hopes said...

Hi Mark and Heather, It is so great that you are up and walking! You have ben in our prayers constantly and we are so glad that you are progressing and getting stronger. Aimee doesn't think that you have given enough time for a sub and expects you to be there, what were you thinking?:) Besides, everyone loves Heather's lessons, so I've been told. Love to Hannah, Heather and Mark. Justin and Aimee