Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Staples Out and More Standing

Heather had a wound dressing change yesterday. I wasn't there so I don't know exactly how it went, but apparently they felt her wounds and the homografts looked good. They removed the staples that held the homografts in place. She said that it did not hurt this time, which is nice. She has been having really good days lately. She was able to stand up for about 10 seconds yesterday (with support) and has been increasing her strength daily. She spent considerable time with her tracheostomy button in and has been eating more solid food. I can't wait to see her tonight after work. They have her scheduled for surgery tomorrow, but it is very unlikely that that will happen. It is my understanding that they want to give the homografts more time to adhere and will likely wait until next week for surgery.

1 comment:

Leilani said...

Yeah Heather!! Keep up the hard work. We are so excited to hear good news. I cannot even imagine how good food tasted after so long, it tastes really good to me after a 24 hr. fast:) Know that you are loved and in our prayers. Keep on getting better. Love to you, Mark, and Hannah.
Leilani and Family