Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dressing Changes in a New Place

Heather had a good night in her new home away from home. She woke up with some nausea and significant fears about her first dressing change here. She was particularly concerned about what they would do with the dressings on her back. When they looked at her back dressings yesterday it was clear that they were far too soggy to leave on. This was frightening because it meant that they would have to peal off the dressing that seemed to be quite stuck to her. After much preparation and waiting, our nurse did a great job of taking the old dressing off. It was still quite painful and not fun at all, but we feel the new dressing the nurse put on will work better for Heather and will help her heal faster than what she had on. She is clearly healing because her back is not as tender, though it still hurts her quite a bit.

Heather says that she is feeling a little sore tonight and that her mood seems to swing quite a bit. Her brother, John, flew in from South Carolina today to help take care of her through the first part of next week while I am at work. We're glad to see him and other family members who have been so supportive through this whole affair. My sister and her family brought Hannah to see Heather in her new digs. It is always nice to spend time together.

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