Sunday, December 14, 2008

Painful Back, but Doing Well

Heather continues to improve daily. She is getting really excited about going home on Wednesday. It kind of seems like it will never happen.

Her back continues to be the main problem. It just won't heal. Yesterday and today she has spent the day in her wheelchair, sitting up without any dressing on her back, hoping that the wounds will dry out and heal. She also tried to sleep on her side last night so as not to put any pressure on her back. However, she still put a dressing on her back last night in case she needed to sleep on it. In the morning the dressing was stuck to her back just like other nights. It is miserable and painful for her. We don't know what to do to help it heal faster. Every dressing they put on it sticks to the wounds and then reopens the wounds when they remove the dressing. It is really frustrating.

She has been walking quite a bit, strolling back and forth down the halls several times each day. She gets stronger each day.

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