Monday, December 15, 2008

Homecoming Postponed

Though it's not terribly surprising with how things have gone throughout this whole ordeal, we are sad to announce that Heather will not be going home on Wednesday as initially predicted. Yesterday and today Heather's abdominal wound was covered with a film of pus and she had a fever. Concerned about infection, they have ordered a culture on the pus and are giving her a broad spectrum antibiotic. The culture will take 2 to 3 days, so they want to wait to find out exactly what it is before sending Heather home. This means that she won't go home until probably Friday (I'm not holding my breath.). As I said, we are not surprised, but we are certainly disappointed and frustrated. I just want her home and healthy. They have promised (as if they really can) to have her home by Christmas.

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